Virtual spending cards

Smarter vendor payments.

Create virtual cards for every vendor payment, simplifying and securing payables.

Create cards programmatically

Instantly issue and start using virtual cards with spending controls.

Fund with Moov wallets

Connect all your payment use cases and spend your Moov wallet balance.

Earn revenue

Every dollar spent earns you revenue. Make money, build loyalty.

Minimize fraud

Set controls so that cards are used only where and when you say.

More than just cards
up our sleeve.

All the work of building a card issuing program is covered—we bring the sponsor bank, provide the program management, and connect you directly to the card network.

Available balance

Transactions are authorized against a Moov wallet balance that's connected to the card as well as any spend controls.


Programatically mint new virtual cards and get transaction history.

More about Moov wallets →

One card, many use cases.

Expand your business by issuing virtual cards for expense management, employee benefits, controlled subscription spending, or whatever users want most.

Single-use cards

Create single use cards, perfect for specifying a specific amount to pay an invoice.


Create cards for subscription or recurring payments.

Virtual card guides ↗

Moov Drops

Themeable drop-in components that help you go to market faster (minutes vs. months) and with less compliance overhead. Saves countless design and development hours.

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