Disclosure & Consent to Receive Electronic Communications
This Electronic Communication Disclosure (“E-SIGN Consent”) applies to any and all communications, disclosures, notices, statements, or any agreements (collectively, (“Communications”) that we are legally required to provide to you in connection with any Moov products and services (the “Moov Services”). This E-SIGN Consent supplements and is to be construed in accordance with the terms contained in the agreement(s) governing your access to or use of the Moov Services. The words “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to Moov Financial, Inc. The words “you” and “your” or “User” mean the user of the Moov Services. As used in this E-SIGN Consent, “Moov Account” means the account you have with us that enables your access to or use of the Moov Services.
1. Consent for Electronic Signatures, Records, and Disclosures
Please be aware that your consent to the electronic delivery of disclosures will be required before you will be able to access or use a Moov Account or the Moov Services. If you are unable or unwilling to provide such consent or you withdraw your consent, you will be unable to access or use a Moov Account or the Moov Services. We suggest you read this document and print a copy for your reference.
2. Scope of Communications that May be Provided in Electronic Form
When you access or use a Moov Account or the Moov Services to which this E-SIGN Consent applies, you agree that we may provide you with any Communications in electronic format. Communications covered by this E-SIGN Consent include, but are not limited to:
- Any agreement or disclosure governing your access to or use of a Moov Account or the Moov Services.
- Any disclosure or communications required by federal, state, or local law.
- Any policies, letters, notices, or alerts related to your access to or use of a Moov Account or the Moov Services or any changes to a Moov Account or the Moov Services.
- Any statement, receipt, or transaction history information related to a Moov Account or the Moov Services.
3. Method of Providing Communications in Electronic Form
We may provide Communications to you by e-mail or text message or by making them accessible on our website, through our application, or through your Moov Account. We may also use and obtain your electronic acceptance of or consent to any Communications, which will have the same legal effect as a physical signature.
4. Hardware and Software Requirements
In order to access, view, and retain electronic Communications that we make available to you, you must have:
- An up-to-date device(s) (e.g., computer, mobile device) with internet access.
- A current, compatible internet browser that supports at least 128-bit encryption.
- An operating system capable of receiving, accessing, displaying Communications received from us in electronic form via a plain text-formatted e-mail or by access to our website using a supported browser.
If you have any issues viewing or accessing any Communications, then you can contact us at help@moov.io.
5. How to Withdraw Consent
If you wish to withdraw your consent to receive Communications through electronic methods, then you may contact us at help@moov.io. Due to the nature of the Moov Services, you will not be able to access or use your Moov Account or the Moov Services if you withdraw your consent.
6. Requesting Paper Copies
We will not send you a paper copy of any Communication unless you request it, or we otherwise deem it appropriate to do so. You can obtain a paper copy of an electronic Communication by printing it yourself or by requesting a copy by contacting us at help@moov.io. We may charge you a reasonable service charge for the delivery of paper copies of any communication provided to you electronically pursuant to this E-SIGN Consent.
We reserve the right, but assume no obligation, to provide a paper (instead of electronic) copy of any communication that you have authorized us to provide electronically. Requesting a paper copy of any Communication, in and of itself, will not be treated as withdrawal of your consent to receive electronic Communications.
7. How to Update Your Information
It is your responsibility to provide us with your true, accurate, and complete e-mail address, mobile number, or other contact information required for us to send you electronic Communications, and to promptly notify us of any updates or changes to such information. You can update your information by contacting us at help@moov.io.
8. Federal Law
You acknowledge and agree that your consent to electronic Communications is being provided in connection with a transaction affecting interstate commerce that is subject to the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (“E-SIGN”), and that you and we both intend that E-SIGN applies to the fullest extent possible to validate our ability to conduct business with you by electronic means.