What everyone is saying about fintech_devcon

When we announced we’d be hosting fintech_devcon, we made it clear: this is not a Moov product event. No pitches are happening at this conference. This event is for you—fintech developers and our growing community of doers. It’s for the executives and product managers trying to bring a big audacious vision to life.

We all want to move this industry forward, and that’s precisely why we’re getting together: to share, learn, and create.

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If you’re a fintech developer, product manager or owner, designer, or leader within your organization, it’s not too late to get tickets! To give you a better idea of what you’ll learn and why our speakers (and sponsors) are so excited to share their knowledge, take a look at what everyone is saying:

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If you think fintech needs a conference by builders for builders, please come and bring a friend. No sales or gimmicky giveaways here. Just an intimate crowd of 500 builders sharing how they overcame adversity. We hope to see you there.

Ticket alert
Get your tickets at fintechdevcon.io.
Further reading
Your guide to the Moov ACH Gateway
Craft • 5m
A collection of awesome open source fintech projects
Craft • 5m
Now accepting applications for fintech_devcon’s diversity scholarship
Company • 1m