When you open a new bank account, there’s usually one dominant emotion driving that decision: frustration. You’re fed up with your current financial institution.
Instant is becoming the new standard for virtually everything—including money movement. And it’s not just a matter of convenience. The ability to transfer and access funds in near-real time, 24/7/365, can solve cash flow challenges and open up new payments use cases and business models.
As we approach our fourth year, fintech_devcon continues to redefine the conference experience. Founded on the vision of creating a relaxed, educational environment free from sales pitches, our event focuses on what truly matters: the developers shaping the future of fintech.
Moov is saving a lender a million dollars a year, but they’re thanking us for something else.
Before I tell you what that is, let me share a little story.
Lending is hard.
As a lender, you’re riding the ups and downs of interest rates, trying to mitigate risk, and dealing with numerous things that have nothing to do with underwriting loans.
I’ve never been more excited about payments than I am today.
Admittedly, after twenty years in the fintech and payments industry, I’ve seen a lot of the same problems over and over.
I’ve always considered myself a software engineer by craft and an entrepreneur by accident. I never planned to end up in fintech, and I certainly never envisioned myself at the helm of a company like Moov.
I have more than a decade of experience in engineering and data analysis. I’ve been the Lead Data Engineer at iDENTIFY, working in the fintech and banking space, for over four years.
The anticipation for fintech_devcon is reaching its peak, and we’re thrilled to unveil this fourth and final speaker lineup. Once again, we’re honored to showcase the exceptional leaders and builders who will be gracing our event.
It’s time for our third fintech_devcon speaker lineup and the fintech superstars just keep coming! We’re excited, grateful, and humbled to have so many amazing builders and leaders willing to share their expertise with the developer community.
Our second speaker lineup is just as amazing as our first. We mean it when we say it’s truly an honor to host such distinguished speakers at our conference.
We’re in the home stretch! With just a month left, the excitement is palpable as we eagerly await the fintech festivities to commence (by the way, if you haven’t joined the fun yet, there’s still time to register).
Our fintech_devcon conference follows the give-first mantra inspired by the TechStars community. It means freely giving to others without expecting to get something in return.
If you’ve spent significant time working with cloud vendors, you know that whatever new feature that any one provider trots out, another can typically replicate in short order.
Last year’s fintech_devcon was the first conference I’ve attended in North America. I’ve been building communities around tech startups in South Africa for almost twelve years, so I’ve visited my share of fintech events.
The flagship fintech developer conference is back and ready to bring builders together for a third year. The purpose of fintech_devcon is to democratize fintech knowledge across payments, compliance, finance, and more.
When I started in fintech, it wasn’t commonly called fintech yet. We just called it financial services back then. In that previous life, I spent a lot of time connecting to processors, and a lot of banking cores—42 of them, if I remember right.
Hi, my name is Chijioke Ejimuda 👋
I’m a builder who won last year’s scholarship to fintech_devcon. If you want the short version of my experience, here it is: The conference was unbelievable.
The vision of fintech_devcon, first-ever fintech developer conference, is to bring together like-minded developers and increase the voices heard throughout the financial technology space.
We’re excited to announce that our flagship developer conference is back and ready to bring together builders in 2022. fintech_devcon started as a way to democratize fintech knowledge across payments, compliance, finance, and more.
I’m happy to announce that Moov has joined Plaid’s payment ecosystem to help bring faster, more secure payment experiences to every digital financial interaction.
We caught up with Anuhya Challagundla, a computer science student and fintech_devcon 2021 scholarship winner, to talk about her experience attending the inaugural event.
Our commitment to creating a diverse culture in fintech development.
fintech_devcon is the first-ever fintech developer conference. Our vision is to bring together like-minded developers and increase the voices heard throughout the financial technology space.
After announcing fintech_devcon earlier this year, we’ve been blown away by the positive response. Not only are developers eager to finally attend a conference dedicated to them, but it’s exciting to see that people are ready for in-person events again.
Developers don’t want payments, and they don’t want Elasticsearch. They want a better user experience for their users. They want the experience we have all come to expect from Uber (payments) and Google (Elasticsearch).
We are thrilled to announce that Moov Financial has joined the U.S. Faster Payments Council (FPC), a membership organization dedicated to advancing faster payments in the United States.
We started Moov in 2017 to lend a trusted hand to developers building or integrating financial products. After more than 15 years of experience developing digital banking solutions, core banking, and payments, we knew that banking infrastructure could be better.
Today, the news of our $5.5 million seed round became public! All of us at Moov have been looking forward to this day for a while, and we’ve internally referred to it as Moov-ing day.
First of all, hi, we’re Moov. We’re a new company with a mission to bring joy to developers tasked with building on top of the United States banking and payments infrastructure.